Charles Herbst
Rockford, Illinois tax attorney

Over 35 years of experience
with a comprehensive approach to tax management

345 Bienterra Trail, Suite 3, Rockford, Illinois
(815) 484-9482
The IRS is not going to go away. You must take action.

Don't ignore them

There are deadlines. You need to proactively address the issue today. Miss deadlines and you'll lose your rights to appeal, have your case heard, and pay more interest and penalties.

The IRS will collect their monies due by any means necessary. They can (and will, if you don't respond) garnish your wages, put liens and levies on your bank account, home, car, and just about everything else you've worked for.

They do things on their terms, not yours. The IRS doesn't change their policies because a taxpayer wants to do things differently.

Getting current

The IRS won't negotiate or consider any offers until you file any delinquent tax returns.

The first step is to prepare these returns. I can help you with that. This generally means any unfiled returns during the last 3 years and any estimated quarterly returns.

My fees are reasonable. I know how expensive large tax and accounting firms are. I work as efficiently as possible, and will only accept a matter if I believe that I can put you in a better financial situation then when you came to me.

You need a tax attorney

Tax procedure is arcane and complicated. The GAO says the IRS answers tax law questions wrong over 20% of the time!

I can help. Tax attorneys are trained to analyze the law, minimize your tax bill, and protect your legal rights.

Unlike what you tell other advisors, generally what you tell a tax lawyer is privileged and can't be revealed to the IRS or anyone else. There's an accountant-client privilege, but it's limited. For example, it doesn’t apply if the IRS decides to bring a criminal case against you!

Don't speak to them

You don't have to and you shoudn't. You are entitled to have a representative speak with them instead.

No matter how polite or helpful they may seem, their objective is not to help you, they are there to collect money from you.

Their conversations and correspondence are designed to intimidate you. Dealing with them can be very upsetting and there is no reason to put yourself in the position of potentially damaging your case.

Things you innocently tell them will be used against you. For example, they may ask you what you own so they can seize it.

Based on what you say, a levy could be triggered, additional penalties might be assessed, or a civil case can suddenly become a criminal matter.

Tax collectors have a lot of power and are very good at what they do. Why should you be represented by anything less?


You can overcome your tax problems. Every client's situation is different. I use a variety of approaches, often more than one, to solve your problem. As you can see, there are a lot of options:

  • Powers of Attorney
  • Audit representation
  • Protests and Appeals
  • Collection Due Process Hearings
  • Installment Agreements
  • Hardship/Currently Uncollectible Status
  • Offers in Compromise
  • Statute of Limitations Considerations
  • Bankruptcy to determine liability/discharge tax
  • Lien, Levy, and Garnishment Relief
  • Innocent/Injured Spouse Relief
  • Penalty Abatements
  • Amending Returns
  • Filing Delinquent Returns

It takes an attorney's skill to know which ones might be right for you. Each of these tools requires expertise and won't be available in every case. And the IRS can penalize you if you submit a "frivolous" resolution plan.

Learn more

Let's work through your IRS problem together and get you back to enjoying The Good Life.

  • For more about my background, credentials, qualifications, experience, and testimonials, click here.
  • For routine tax questions, or for breaking tax news, try my searchable tax blog, BeyondForm1040.
  • If you're looking for my personal blog, Autumn Leaves.

Please email or call me for an appointment.