Charles Herbst
Rockford, Illinois tax attorney

Over 35 years of experience
with a comprehensive approach to tax management

345 Bienterra Trail, Suite 3, Rockford, Illinois
(815) 484-9482
How can I help you?

Resolve an IRS problem

  • Received a notice from the IRS?
  • Haven't filed for several years?
  • Can't afford to pay your taxes?

You have a serious legal problem.
Let's deal with it now, before it gets worse.


Prepare your tax returns

Charles (Karl) Herbst can prepare them for you in a professional, PRIVATE, and pleasant atmosphere. Reasonable rates.

Call or email for your appointment.


Plan for The Good Life

I can help you get more out of your livelihood, lifestyle, and legacy:
For example:

  • update your will and protect your assets
  • organize your business as an LLC
  • help you buy or sell real estate
  • fulfill business goals and personal dreams


Avoid procrastination

The #1 reason dreams are derailed.

Fortunes have been lost by people who endlessly put off getting their affairs in order.

Sometimes professionals can fix the consequences of procrastinating. Often we can't.

Procrastination is your enemies' best friend:

  • the tax collector
  • the grim reaper
  • the university bursar
  • the nursing home
  • the hospital
  • lawsuits
  • A divorce in the family
  • Outliving your savings

You can protect yourself against all of these people, but you can't wait forever. None of us know exactly when we'll fall seriously ill, become disabled or pass on.

The sooner you take action, the easier it is to protect yourself.

Shall we take the next step?

How the Herbst Approach is different — and better

I want to be your trusted attorney. I've represented clients for decades. I've seen them succeed in life and meet their objectives. You will find very few tax or other lawyers who take this coordinated, comprehensive approach to helping you and your business achieve success:

  • Simply put, I'll solve your tax problem, file and keep your taxes under control, and help you plan for The Good Life!
  • As a licensed attorney, what you tell me is privileged and kept confidential. My job is to be your advocate. As a lawyer, not only can I prepare your tax return, I can represent you, draft wills, trusts, documents, deeds, and other instruments that other advisors aren't allowed to.
  • I combine those capabilities with a sound knowledge of tax law to both minimize your tax liabilities and keep the focus on enjoying The Good Life.
  • I'll work with whomever you want me to, but I'll spare you the unwanted extra advisors, consultants, soothsayers, and pushy salespeople, who only put a strain on your budget.

I think that you'll find my rates quite reasonable compared to some of the alternatives out there.

More about Charles Herbst

Charles Herbst has been practicing tax law and related fields since 1987. He has an advanced tax law degree (LL.M) from New York University. He has several decades' experience representing individuals, businesses, and nonprofits on tax, business, real estate and personal estate matters. He pioneered the development of limited liability companies and the use of trust protectors.

Charles Herbst has worked with law firms, been a manager at a big-four accounting firm, director of tax research at an international tax consulting firm, and on the editorial staff of a major business and tax publisher. He has written many articles and other publications dealing with tax law and business entities.

  • For more about my background, credentials, qualifications, experience, and testimonials, click here.
  • For routine tax questions, or for breaking tax news, try my searchable tax blog, BeyondForm1040.
  • If you're looking for my personal blog, Autumn Leaves.